Tuesday 8 September 2009

Explosions in the Sky...

So, last night I went to see one of my all time favourite bands; Explosions in the Sky. To be honest, I've only just recently remembered how much I love them - they have long been absent from any playlist of mine. It was, however, awe inspiring! Track for track, I couldn't list what the set was. Of course, I recognised tracks and my current favourite was played but I don't think it even matters when you go to see a band like that; the emphasis is on the progression of the set and you kinda just move along with it.

What I admire and enjoy most about them is the fact that they are entirely musical and not in any sense lyrical. Usually, when listening to a band or act of any genre, if you're going to impose meaning to a particular song, it is through constructing a relationship from the lyrics of that song to an aspect of your life. A typical example? Beyonce Knowles - If I were a Boy. Now, Beyonce herself didn't even write the song yet it's her best selling single in the UK. Reason? Any 'girl' having gone through a sad and bad break up relates that experience to the words coming from Beyonce's mouth. I have nothing against that. I am guilty of inferring meaning from an unknown number of songs to my own life experiences.

However, with Explosions in the Sky, you can follow the same 'emotional journey' without having the wheels already set in motion. Each song and chord can be interpreted by each and every person that takes the time to listen in a different way... there is absolute freedom in meaning. I will listen to an album and my mind just goes freestyle on me! One second I'll feel like crying, the next I'll be overcome by euphoria. Watching them live just enhances that. (There were no actual tears).

I realise that for all the oh-so cool musician types that were there, what I have written is a complete load of twonk; it was all about the layering of instruments, progression of chord structure, time scales, yady yady yadah but to me, music is nothing if you can't attach meaning and thinking to it. As a form of art, it's more than those things. Maybe that's where these guys are failing in their ambition to be signed...

... This is a really rubbish post! Ha!

Point - Remember forgotten and lost loved bands. We spend too much time concentrating on what's new and 'up and coming' when the ones that introduced us into having passion for music are still out there making awesome music!

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